Collection Attributes

The Collection Attributes window enables you to set attributes of file and folder collections from several locations in your computer.

If you are in Scan Mode, select the folder where the items reside, press the Scan button and when the scanning is done, check the items you want to update, right click the mouse button and choose Properties.
If you are in List Mode, add the items to the list, press the right click button and choose Properties.

The attributes window will pop- up. When all details are loaded, the following screen will show up as shown in figure 4.1:

Figure 4.1

Now you can navigate through the two tabs: Attributes and Document


The Attributes Tab

In this tab, you can do the following:
Set attributes of files and folders:
In the Set Attributes frame you can set, clear or leave unchanged attributes of the items. You can change the Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive attributes for files and folders.
When loaded, the available checkboxes for each attribute are:

Now, you can change the attributes for all items by marking the relevant checkbox as follows:

Set the time stamp of files and folders:
In the Set Time Stamp frame you can set one time stamp for a group of files or folders. You can set the date, time or both date and time values.
When loaded, there are two available checkboxes modes for both the date and time fields:

Now, you can set one time stamp for all items by marking the relevant checkbox as follows:

Note that you must check any field before you can change it. Unchecked or grayed fields are locked.


NIYoW also enables you to automatically set the date and time fields of files using one of eight different sources. To enable automatic date and time generation, press the "Set By"  button next to appropriate date field you would like be changed. A windows with the available sources will be opened. Now you can choose one of 9 source types:

Note that files that are not supported by the source type will be ignored automatically.

Select the mode you need and press OK to apply or Cancel to leave the current mode unchanged.


The Document Tab


The Document tab enables you to set the details of multiple documents at once. Documents are defined as Microsoft Office documents and files that reside on NTFS volumes. Whenever you select files that doesn't have the summary information available, a warning note will be shown to indicate the those specific files will be ignored during the save process.


Each field in the Document tab has a check-box next to it with one the 3 following modes:

Make the changes you need and press the OK button to update the selected files.


The "Update Results" Window


When the update process is done, a new window will open with the updating results. In this window you can review each file individually and view the results of each part of the update process.

Each update is divided into 5 sub-update processes:

Each sub-update process result is marked as follows:

Example of the Update Results window is shown below:

Figure 4.1

.When done, press the OK button to close this window

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